Magayeece Consulting House For Engineering - free extensions for joomla
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Welcome To Magayeece

About Us

MAGAYEECE is a consulting house for Engineering. It offers comprehensive services in several sectors of engineering. Magayeece scope of services covers the complete spectrum of electro-mechanical engineering consultancy service, Such as, strategic planning, techno-economic studies, conceptual and detailed design engineering, technical auditing, energy management (energy conservation load management), Supervision of Projects of Power stations, substations, Transmission Systems, Distribution system and control centers, in addition to safety and security, training and environmental issues. MAGAYEECE is also concerned with studying and providing workable solutions for various technical problems involving electricity power generation, Transmission, distribution and customer utilization of electric energy.

MAGAYEECE Consulting House for Engineering is a multi discipline, fully staffed, 100% Saudi Arabian company, owned and operated by Saudi Engineers.

Magayeece has provided engineering services since 2007. The major portion of the project work is carried out for the Saudi Electricity Company (SEC).

Magayeece has a good cooperation with other consultant’s houses inside and outside the kingdom. Moreover Magayeece has a strong tie with international agencies to provide highly experienced human resources in technical and managerial fields.